What Instagram Doesn’t Show You About Pregnancy
Before I got pregnant, I had a small idea of what pregnancy was actually going to be like. I figured I’d gain some weight (mainly in my stomach), waddle a good amount, and crave peanut butter dipped pickles. Turns out, there were a few not so friendly attributes, mixed in with the good, of pregnancy I wasn’t prepared for. Whether you’re expecting or will be in the future, here’s what Instagram misses about pregnancy:
But I find solace with the reality that stretch marks will happen whether you lotion, oil, or Crisco yourself on the daily.
Stretch marks
Surprise! Stretch marks can cover a third of your body. I was one of the lucky ones who has stretch marks on my thighs, butt, back and stomach. During pregnancy, they were a bit lighter than they are now. Actually, after labor I’m convinced my stretch marks panicked and got deeper. Before you ask, yes I did slather myself with oil throughout my pregnancy to avoid these stretch marks. But I find solace with the reality that stretch marks will happen whether you lotion, oil, or Crisco yourself on the daily. Will I wear a itty bitty bikini in the near future? Probably not. Most likely for your benefit and mine. Is it the end of the world? Not even close. I’ve always been a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal anyways. Plus, a nice pair of jeans thankfully don’t reveal the texture of our butts.
Morning Sickness
Long ago, someone coined the term “morning’ sickness. Not exactly the most accurate term, since most moms deal with it throughout the day. I got hit HARD with nausea and vomiting around the six week mark of my pregnancy. The toilet was my fair weather friend around the clock while food was a frenemy, I desperately wanted to make up with. I made it through three weeks of what I thought would be the worst of it before making an appointment with my OBGYN. Initially, I did feel a sort of defeat because I wanted to avoid medications. But despite the concerns of other people (who weren’t going through it with me), I’m thankful I finally got help. Once I filled my prescription, it was a world of a difference for me. I could get through the day without throwing up once (compared to a couple dozen times) and I’d feel so much better about pregnancy. Just ’cause you’re tossing your cookies doesn’t mean you have to dread pregnancy. Seek medical advice and/or medication if you’re starting a monogamous relationship with your toilet. You’ll be back enjoying your fried Oreos, hot Cheetos, or pickles in no time.
Dark Spots
I remember vividly taking a hot shower around the five month mark and letting out a gasp. I had lifted my underarm to find that my usual stubble had been replaced with a giant asphalt stamp covering my entire armpit. Horrified, I scrubbed and scrubbed to no avail. This was just the next step upon the invasion of dark spots upon my once uniformed skin. My linea nigra (a dark line that goes down your belly) had followed the old wive’s tale and grown from the tippy top of my stomach down deep into my pubic bone. My once cherished belly button piercing spot transformed into a dark scar (to my sixteen year old self: think twice about that piercing!). Who knew that pigment could be so dark and invasive? I’m more than two months out and seems like all my spots have renewed their lease. Oy.
Swollen Feet
This was my husband’s favorite ailment I adopted during pregnancy. Mainly because I had pitted edema which is a fancy term for your body turning into play doh whenever pressure is applied. My husband would record videos as he pressed his index finger into my swollen feet and watch as the indent lingered and then slowly rise back up. I called my OBGYN office numerous times convinced I must have preeclampsia or a blood clot because of the severity of my swelling. Thankfully, I didn’t have either… just a bad case of swelling. So much so that I had to buy new shoes because none of my shoes fit! I went from a 7.5 to a 9 well before my third trimester. Hear me out, I love shoes but buying ones just to accommodate my ever expanding feet ain’t even close to the Manolo purchasing experience I’d dreamt of.
Bonding With Your Baby
To be fair, Instagram does show clips of parents hearing the first heart beat and flutters of movement inside the belly. But there’s nothing that can prepare you for having a new life inside your body. Since our son was a beautiful surprise baby, I had no idea what to expect. In fact, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted babies anytime soon! Still, nothing will melt your growing mommy’s heart than feeling the movements of your baby even, dare I say, the jabs to the lungs. So keep your phone nearby, ready to record because your baby might be camera shy or dad might not be nearby. Most importantly, savor each hiccup, kick and thump because they are moments not everyone has the chance to experience.
Don’t Forget
Whether you are the kale smoothie yogaholic pregnant lady or the kind who gains 60 lbs (read how I survived: post coming soon!), enjoy the process! There’s a lot going on and like I shared above, some not so pretty stuff. All in all, this is a miracle and the months will fly by. I promise, you’ll miss the days of rubbing the good ‘ole round tummy and euphoria of anticipating your new addition. I know I sure do.