How To Have The Best Time at Color Factory NYC: Mom Edition

Friends who double as photographers are the best 

About two weeks ago, my close friend Jinnie asked me what I was doing the following Tuesday night. I immediately said nothing (stay at home mom life) and she invited me to go to The Color Factory. I knew I wanted to go but had to work out the details (perks of being a family of three) and at one point, wasn’t sure if I’d be able to make it. Thankfully, my husband encouraged me to go and told me not to worry about the baby. I bought my ticket before either of us could change our minds!

Our group of girls all had an amazing time and while I ended up getting mastitis a few days later, I still wouldn’t have changed a thing! Here are seven mommy + GNO friendly tips to have the best time at The Color Factory NYC:

Try a Week Night 

We decided to go on a Tuesday Night at 7PM and it really wasn’t too packed. I was worried I’d be tired after a long with the baby, but it was nice to pass the baton to the hubby and leave for the city! Foot traffic within the factory wasn’t too bad and there were many times that we were the only ones (left!) in the room. Ideal for quality photos and to ensure everyone got their good side 🙂 Tip: If you’re heading with a group, don’t worry if the specific time slot sells out– they were pretty flexible within 15 mins to let people in early or later. Just be sure to be within 30 mins of your purchased time or else, you might not be let in! 

Dress To The Nines

Like take a shower for 30 minutes and spend an hour and half on your makeup kind of night out. I lucked out. My baby napped for two hours while I did every priming, highlighting, beauty blender bouncy step that I neglect when he’s actually awake. I think I applied everything in my make up bag. Twice. In terms of outfit, I’d recommend something that’s comfy, cause you might be on your knees or jumping for a picture. I went for my favorite look– boyfriend-turned-skinny ripped jeans and a crisp white tee shirt with platform boots for that extra boost. Since there was going to a lot of color throughout the pop-up, I figured something blue and white would go well against any backdrop! (I was right!) Think of this of the photo session you never knew you needed but always wanted! Tip: Bring socks if you’re not wearing them, (spoiler alert) the ball pit requires shoes off and I’d imagine you’d want your feet covered!

Diving into dipping’ dots

Empty Your Boobs 

This one is major. Especially if you’re commuting to the pop-up and/or planning on staying a while. Our group ended up staying there for close to three hours! The typical time amount of spent at the pop-up was a suggested one hour. For me, including rush hour traffic and time spent there, I was out of the house for five hours. This meant I would miss close to a feed and a half. I wish I had brought a hand pump or even the Hakka pump to drain some of my milk while I was there. By the time I got home, Wilder was sleeping and so I had to use a pump to express my heavy boobs. Later that week, I ended up getting mastitis–not sure if it’s entirely correlated but I don’t think it helped that I missed a feeding. #newmomfail Tip: Feed right before you head out and/or pump in the car if you’re able! Definitely plan to pump immediately when you get home or while you’re at exhibit to avoid any clogged ducts!

Travel Smart

I knew that public transportation would be the easier route but harder to match with my schedule. I ended up making the decision to drive in despite rush hour and despite the deep soho location! I wanted to be efficient as possible so I booked my parking in advance and it was incredibly easy. I used the app Parking Wiz for the first time and got a spot block away from the pop up for $15! The crazy in me (a major part of me) wanted to stay out till the AM cause I had that price until 3 AM! Thankfully, the less crazy part of me, just booked my butt back to the convenient valet parking location afterwards and safely headed home. This saved me the trouble of frantically searching for parking whilst navigating the busy city streets in my mom car. Tip: Use the App and consider parking at the Edison Parking Garage– super easy to locate and so close to the factory!

Accessorize with a hair tie always #momlife

Be ready to snack

Throughout the factory, there are sweets and goodies that surprise you in several of the rooms! Some of us were so full that we couldn’t enjoy all the treats while others were starving (maybe just me) and vacuumed up the extra snacks. I’d recommend grabbing a quick bite to eat beforehand and leaving plenty of room for dessert to truly savor each treat. There wasn’t too much information readily available about possible allergens so be sure to ask if you or your child has allergies. Tip: While there is a coat/bag check, it’s ideal to have at least one person carry their bag. There’s goodies to take home which can be cumbersome to hold throughout the museum! I carried a fairly roomy shoulder bag that housed all my girlfriends extra stuff to make to easier! 

To Bring Little One or Not?

For all my families out there, I encourage you to consider bringing your kiddos to the factory. I kept wishing Wilder was a bit older to bring him to the exhibit. There are some rooms that might not be geared towards a young child (I’m thinking toddlers): ex: listening and drawing. But overall, there are many interesting and new things for your little one to observe! I’d say if you’re up for it, gather a few mom friends + kiddos and go for it! The best age range would probably be 5+ and be sure to note, you can’t move back to a room so stay close to your kiddos! Tip: Strollers aren’t allowed in the popup so kiddos should be confident on their two feet to fully enjoy the experience! 

“Club Color Factory”

Be Shameless 

Whether you’re holding onto the last stubborn pounds of baby weight or convinced you’re unphotogenic, this is your time to shine. The pop-up is incredibly photogenic and there are numerous backdrops to try. Even if it’s out of your comfort zone, I implore you to snap a few dozen pics. Ask for retakes, try a new pose, laugh like you mean it– whatever it is you’ve wanted a shot of, go for it! We might have looked like a crazy group of girls taking a few hundred pictures but we had a blast taking them. I love being able to look back and cherish my first real “Girls’ Night Out” since the baby. Enjoy it and take as many pictures as your heart desires– I promise you won’t be the only one! Tip: No need to bring a professional larger camera (especially if you’re not too familiar with the settings). Moments pass by quickly in this pop up so it’s best to snap with a good phone camera. Plus, take advantage of the photo booths located in the rooms, the quality is great and you can take awesome group shots!

If you’re thinking about heading to Color Factory NYC, I’d definitely buy tickets before it sells out! Especially my new moms out there, it’s the perfect night out and a reason to put on your beloved mascara. I even whipped out a new shirt (granted it’s just a plain white tee) for the occasion! It’s worth the $38 + tax for a sweet night out with the girls or even with your family.

Leave a comment below of your favorite girls’ night out locations in NYC!