Santa Spotlight: ABC Home

There’s a mix of excitement and pressure to make your baby’s first Christmas special. It doesn’t help that most moms are killing it on Instagram with their crafty ornaments, matching pjs, and color coordinated Christmas trees. Real talk, I still haven’t put up our Christmas 

What’s up with Cradle Cap

What’s up with Cradle Cap

There are plenty of glorious, feel-good, and warm your soul moments of motherhood. Discovering your baby’s cradle cap is not one of them. Cradle cap is a collection of yellowish, crusty, or greasy scales that form on your baby’s scalp. I might have a lower 

How to Balance it All as a New Mom

This isn’t your normal “how to” post. Mainly because one “how to” can’t possibly apply to all moms. Some of us are thriving while others are drowning; it’s not just you who feels that way. My current status is a newly working mom, a little 

How to Avoid Gaining 60lbs During Pregnancy

Yup. Guilty. I gained 60lbs during my pregnancy. For a better idea of what this means, this was another 50% of my body weight that I added on. I imagined that I’d eat to my heart out and still look like most of the slender 

Planning A Last Minute 100 Day Celebration (BAEK-IL 백일)

Planning A Last Minute 100 Day Celebration (BAEK-IL 백일)

The first weekend of this month, we celebrated our son’s 100 day! It was technically his 112th day but you know, that doesn’t roll off the tongue as easily. On his actual 100 day, we did a mini-celebration but we also wanted to celebrate with 

Cluster Feeding: Is This Normal?

You know what’s really scary? The first few months of breastfeeding. It’s fragmented moments of high stress and pain– all while being sleep deprived and desperately needing concealer or better yet, a hot shower. As Ali Wong described in her new special, our tender babies 

The Must-Have Nursing Bra For the No-Bra Lover

Here’s the thing: I don’t know the science behind wearing bras at home but even if I did, I wouldn’t wear them. I just can’t. I’m all about comfort especially when it comes to lounging at home. But then I had a baby and my 

How To Have The Best Time at Color Factory NYC: Mom Edition

How To Have The Best Time at Color Factory NYC: Mom Edition

About two weeks ago, my close friend Jinnie asked me what I was doing the following Tuesday night. I immediately said nothing (stay at home mom life) and she invited me to go to The Color Factory. I knew I wanted to go but had to 

What Instagram Doesn’t Show You About Pregnancy

Before I got pregnant, I had a small idea of what pregnancy was actually going to be like. I figured I’d gain some weight (mainly in my stomach), waddle a good amount, and crave peanut butter dipped pickles. Turns out, there were a few not 

Breastfeeding Advice: How To Overcome The Struggles When You Have No Hope

He Didn’t Latch Moments after his birth, my son was whisked away to be checked by the pediatrician without my first touch. Our birth story was dramatic in a way if you will, but I was just thankful he was here and healthy. When he